FRIDAY | November 5th, 2021 @ 6:00PM | Harpor’s Vineyard
What should I wear? The dress code for our wedding is semi-formal / cocktail, let’s get a little fancy!
Will the reception be indoors or outdoors? Although Harpor’s Vineyard is best known for being “Outdoor Wonderful”, the venue is covered and partially indoors. We’ll be ready for anything! Being in early November, the weather is a toss up… so bring a jacket if you’re apt to get chilly in the evenings... Or your dancing shoes and hit the dance floor to warm up!
What’s for dinner? Did someone say Taco & Burrito Bar?! Regardless of dietary restrictions, there will be amble amounts of food. We’ll have lots of meat, lots of veggies and beans, things without dairy, things without gluten, things with spice and things that are mild. And then comes the dessert bar! Prepare your sweet tooth.
Where should guests park? There is a large parking lot at Harpor’s Vineyard. You’ll see it when you pull in! Overnight parking is allowed for guests who may need to take the shuttle back to the Lakeside Casino (no drinking and driving, folks!).
Open Bar or Cash Bar? It’s a little bit of both. We’re covering beer and wine to a certain amount, then it is a cash bar after that. Shots and mixed drinks are cash bar. Non-alcoholic drinks are part of the open bar.
Where should I stay? Rooms have been blocked off at Lakeside Casino. Click here for more information about reserving your room. To received our special pricing, reservations must be made prior to September 20th.
Are kids welcome? Kids are welcome to attend the reception. Keep in mind that the reception will start at 6pm, so if you’re wanting to stay late and celebrate, you may want to make arrangements ahead of time.
Can I bring a date? Absolutely, but please let us know via the RSVP link if you’ll be bringing a date. Please submit your RSVP by October 15th.
When is the RSVP deadline? Please submit your RSVP by October 15th. Your RSVP can be submitted here!
Where are you registered? We’ll be registered at Amazon and Target.
Can I take and post pictures of the wedding on social media? We will be having a professional photographer there to capture part of the evening, so please be curtious and keep your phone in the pocket while she is around… but after that? You bet you can! Please use hashtag #TheHyLife for all wedding photos so we’re able to see them.
Will Transportation be provided between the reception to the hotel? Coming soon!
I still have questions, what is the best way to contact you? Use the contact form below for any additional questions!